Welcome to the Wild and Scenic Rivers training page! Here you’ll find everything you need to know to access and collect samples from the wild and scenic river system.

Please keep in mind the following considerations as you start the training modules:

  • You cannot save your progress in these modules. Plan on setting aside 20-30 minutes to complete each module.
  • In most of the modules, you will be asked to complete a short survey. Please make sure you complete each survey — this is our way of knowing that you’ve completed each section of the training.

Returning Volunteer Refresher

For those who have already completed an expedition for the project. Review the protocol and field procedures here.

Section I: Introduction and Background Information

Gain familiarity to the Wild and Scenic Rivers project and the people behind it, as well as your role on our team.

Section III: Project Technology

Learn how you will utilize the tools and technologies to collect samples and upload associated data.

Section IV: How to Use Field Probes

Learn how you will use the water quality probes to collect important water quality parameters in the river.

Section V: Collect Samples and Associated Data

Learn how to collect water samples to send to the lab for further chemical analysis.

Section VII: Invasive Species Assessment

For volunteers in the Pacific Northwest only! If you’re collecting data in the PNW please look for these specific invasive species that may be present.