Hey folks! This is Whitney from the Natural Resources Defense Council, ASC’s partner in the ongoing series of grizzly tracking workshops in the Centennial Range. I was lucky enough to join Gregg and a great group of volunteers for the first trip last weekend, and we had a blast. We all learned a lot and collected some valuable data, including some hair samples that we can hopefully send to the lab for DNA analysis. For more of my thoughts on the weekend (above and beyond the fact that it rocked), you can read my blog about it here: https://www.onearth.org/blog/tracking-bears-with-citizen-scientists-its-as-fun-as-it-sounds. And be sure to check out some of our volunteers’ blogs, below. That should be enough to convince you to come join us on the September trip (sign up here: www.adventurescientists.org/grizzly.html)! See you in the field!
-Whitney Leonard