A Father Daughter Humanitarian Expedition to Nepal

 A Father Daughter Humanitarian Expedition to Nepal

An Interview with Mike and Lilliana LibeckiBy: Victoria Ortiz ​Adventure Scientist and National Geographic Explorer Mike Libecki wants to complete 100 expeditions by the time he’s 100 years old. He also strives to be the best father on the planet. And for...
The Scourge in our Nation’s Capital River: Microplastics in the Potomac

The Scourge in our Nation’s Capital River: Microplastics in the Potomac

By: Carter Cortazzi, Jamie Farrell, and Lola Bushnell ​At 5 a.m. on a very dark and cold Halloween weekend morning, our crew of intrepid explorers assembled at Georgetown University’s front gates in Washington, D.C. Freshly awoken after very few...
Around Lake Superior in Five Quotes

Around Lake Superior in Five Quotes

By: Our ShoresMicroplastics Adventure Scientists Our Shores: Ultrarun for the Love of the Lake was a self-supported ultrarunning expedition undertaken by Allissa Stutte, Evan Flom and Andy Butter. The trio took 86 days to run a total of 1,352 miles around Lake...
eXXpedition Great Lakes 2016: A Historic Day In the Fight Against Microplastics

eXXpedition Great Lakes 2016: A Historic Day In the Fight Against Microplastics

ByJen Pate & Elaine McKinnonLove Your Greats Mission Leaders & Adventure Scientists One of the many shoreline cleanup crews during eXXpedition Great Lakes 2016. Photo: Frank Beattie On August 20 2016, seven sailboats led the way across the Great Lakes region...