Lab Update: September 2017

Hello Microplastics Adventurers,Thank you for collecting water samples with the Adventure Scientists’ Global Microplastics Initiative. Your efforts are helping us understand the distribution and concentration of microplastics in the world’s waters, while...

Adding An Extra Layer to the Gallatin Microplastics Data

Adding An Extra Layer to the Gallatin Microplastics Data

By: Emma Bode Each year, 8,000,000 tons of plastic enter marine environments*. An astonishing 80% of this plastic comes from terrestrial sources. Among this plastic are tiny plastic fragments and fibers, five millimeters or smaller, known as microplastics. How are...

Lab Update: July 2017

Lab Update: July 2017

Hello Microplastics Adventurers,Thank you for collecting water samples with the Adventure Scientists’ Global Microplastics Initiative. Your efforts are helping us understand the distribution and concentration of microplastics in the world’s waters, while...