Favorite Prairie Pastimes

Favorite Prairie Pastimes

Photos and captions by Lauren ThatchASC Landmark crew member; Jan./Feb. 2016 1. Grab a cup of coffee with the bison Pro Tip: Stay on the other side of the glass. 2. Spend a little time in a Prairie Dog Town Witness their brilliant (and never ending)...

Winter Workouts from the Prairie

Winter Workouts from the Prairie

Artwork and Captions by Kimberly WilsonASC Landmark crew Push-ups after falling into a badger sett One of the most rewarding aspects of the  ASC Landmark project has been overcoming the physical challenge of hiking upwards of 10 miles a day through the snow, ice,...

A Prairie Commute

Travelling to and from work can often be the most challenging part of the day for the Landmark crew, based on the American Prairie Reserve. While the majority of us fight through traffic jams or wait impatiently at stop lights, the Landmark crew struggles to overcome...

Look Deeply not Widely

Look Deeply not Widely

By:  Sydney Toni​ASC Landmark Crew​ memberOur day starts at eight o’clock (not sharp). As the rest of the crew gathers in the kitchen to pull together breakfast, or pull themselves together with coffee, I step outside onto the porch, its...

Staying Wild

Staying Wild

Writing and Photography by Dove HenryASC Landmark Crew Member            The flatness gives way to more varied topography near the Missouri River, where glaciers and erosion have shaped dramatic shale and sandstone landforms. During...