Turtle Ninjas

Turtle Ninjas

Story and photos by Nikki MannThese are not sword-wielding turtles moving through the shadows of society to defend humans. These are flashlight-wielding humans, moving through the shadows of society to defend turtles. They often work alone, usually at...
Land of Extremes

Land of Extremes

Yes, those are all mosquitoes. Story and photos by Laura Hitt One thing is certain: The prairie is a land of extremes. I arrived two weeks ago—wending down a dirt road beneath a huge cloud-speckled sky—a few days after a storm that dumped more than half...
Landmark: Meet the October Crew

Landmark: Meet the October Crew

Landmark is ASC’s groundbreaking project to provide “boots on the ground” support for the American Prairie Reserve management team. Wildlife survey crews consist of skilled outdoors men and women who live and work on...
High Fashion on the Prairie

High Fashion on the Prairie

A good day for the mosquitoes Landmark crews have worked in -20 and +104 temps on Montana’s vast grasslands this year; however, perhaps the greatest challenge any crew has faced has been the plague of mosquitoes caused by flooding in late August after more...