Family Game Night

Family Game Night

By Eric AndrewsA card is slapped down on the table.  It’s a Guard, and Ryan, our crew boss, jabs his finger towards me. Playing the Guard means he must guess who I am, and if he guesses correctly, I’m finished. “You’re the...
A Blue Marble to Say “Thank You”

A Blue Marble to Say “Thank You”

A few weeks ago, ASC’s Executive Director Gregg Treinish was honored by receiving a letter and a blue marble from Jacob Almengor, a fifth grader from Munsey Elementary School in Bakersfield, California.”I wish I could be out there with you really...
Wind Rider

Wind Rider

By Elizabeth Mullen I looked up at the crystal blue sky from the dry patch of grass where I lay, my extra hoody providing a pillow. Although several unexpected river crossings had extended our transect and we’d walked nine miles already, my partner wanted to...