Roz Savage Update July 14, 2011

Roz Savage Update July 14, 2011

Currents                                           Day 72: And After Lunch, Eradicating World PovertyFaced with an adverse current, I rowed all morning and...

Roz Savage July 12, 2011

Day 70: Nothing Like A Global Catastrophe To Cheer Me UpToday was one of those good news, bad news, sagas.Good news that the wind is finally dropping.Bad news that at the very same time I ran into an adverse current, and without the wind to help me, I am going...
Roz Savage Update: July 11, 2011

Roz Savage Update: July 11, 2011

Day 69:Decline And FallToday was a rough day – literally and figuratively.As I have done so many times before in trying circumstances, I called my dear old Mum. It was good to share. She and I are going through very similar emotions at the moment – me with...
Roz Savage Weekend Update (July 10, 2011)

Roz Savage Weekend Update (July 10, 2011)

                     Day 68: What Lurks BeneathOne of the troubles with oceans is their reluctance to yield their secrets. It is just so hard to get a good look at the creatures of the deep.For example, within the...