Roz Savage July 27th

Roz Savage July 27th

Barnacling Day 85: Clean Hull and Clean Hair, But I’d Rather Be Rowing. The trying times continue. I have now been stuck on the same small patch of ocean for the last 5 days. I advance a bit, the current pushes me back. I push again, the current pushes me back...
Roz Savage July 25th Update

Roz Savage July 25th Update

Day 83: Urgent – Laughter Needed Joan – you are a genius. You have absolutely hit the nail on the head. Some levity is PRECISELY what I need right now. All this earnest save-the-world stuff, combined with getting my ass kicked by this Indian Ocean, has led...
Roz Savage July 24 Update

Roz Savage July 24 Update

Day 82: The Chaps Downstairs I’ve been trying, but I just can’t regard the chaps downstairs as dinner. Some of you have been suggesting that I should get the fishing line out while I have the chance and the mahi mahi are milling around beneath my boat, but...
Roz Savage Day 80: Shift Happens

Roz Savage Day 80: Shift Happens

Philosophy Friday #3…People often – and kindly – send me good vibes across the globe, from their homes to my rowboat. I’ve wanted, and tried, to literally feel these vibes, coming at me across the waves. No luck so far, but I’ll keep...