Lonnie Day 7

Lonnie Day 7

Lonnie made the long haul from 9,600ft to 11,200ft today. Weather included variable winds and limited visibility. None the less he pushed onward. It might have been something to do with spending the last 36 hours stuck inside a snow cave. On the good side, Dupre said...
Lonnie Dupre Day 6

Lonnie Dupre Day 6

Due to poor visibility on Denali, Lonnie will be catching a little R&R today.He will remain at 9,600ft in his snow cave, which is just large enough to sit up in. He plans on taking a long nap until about 3pm today, writing in his journal and then having bacon and...
Day 4 Christmas

Day 4 Christmas

Lonnie spent Christmas day cuddled in his snow cave, Christmas tree and all(shown above).The weather wasn’t horrible, but not optimal for travel with the limited visibility. He decided to take the chance at having a little down time and preparing for his next...

Lonnie Dupre Day 2

We just received a call via satellite phone from Lonnie. His spirits remain high as he progresses up the Kahiltna Glacier. He encountered crevasses, but his skis worked well spanning them and/or maneuvered around them. Lonnie said outside of sore feet from traveling...