Tres Chicas: Walking on the Moon

Tres Chicas: Walking on the Moon

Between the volcanic sand-filled valleys, full-fledged night (yes, night) rainbows, and neon green alpine vegetation, it is hard to not imagine that you are on another planet. The moonscape of the volcanic region we were able to explore was beyond any of our...
Wolverine Tracking by Whitney Leonard from NRDC

Wolverine Tracking by Whitney Leonard from NRDC

I think I might be hooked on wolverines. Last weekend I had the amazing opportunity to join a group of volunteers tracking wolverines and lynx in western Montana, and now I can’t stop searching for Google images of these awesome and elusive creatures. (I promise...
Tres Chicas: Familiar Faces

Tres Chicas: Familiar Faces

A whirlwind of taxis, multiple airports, a six hour bus ride and a few days without sleep, made the four days that I actually spent on the beach in the Dominican for my brother’s wedding seem like a distant dream. I was back in Bariloche with the girls! A week...

Arctic Row’s latest Video

Team: The expedition is made up of 4 crew members for 2 rowing positions. The team will rotate, rowing 2 hours on / 2 hours off for 24 hours a day.Boat Shape: Unlike traditional rowboats, the rowing vessel is built with the latest in rowing technology....