by Adventure Scientists | Sep 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
The Jack’s Plastic Welding Solar Boat is 22 feet long with 4 solar panels. We cruised at 3-4mph most of the time and fit 5 people comfortably. Photo Credit: Will Stauffer Norris and his team are ASC Adventurers who are traveling the Colorado River...
by Adventure Scientists | Sep 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
West Hanson is a National Geographic Expeditions Council Grant winner and is paddling the Amazon from Source to sea while collecting data with ASC’s Pacific Biodiversity Project. Check out these videos from life on one of the wildest rivers in the world....
by Adventure Scientists | Sep 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
Dr. Loren Bahls has identified the first incidence of Cymbella Rainierensis, a diatom formerly only found in Europe, from a sample taken by adventurer Ryan Davis. Photo Credit Dr. Loren Bahls Dr. Loren Bahls is the curator of the Montana Diatom Collection, an...
by Adventure Scientists | Sep 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
By West Hanson, ASC and National Geographic AdventurerSeptember 11, 2012Well, you never really know when good fortune will fall in your lap, that’s for sure. Jeff, John and I headed out of town after loading up on junk food and regular groceries to last us...
by Adventure Scientists | Sep 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
This swale was burnt by fire, received late summer rains and now the wild parsnip is prolific. Photo Courtesy Andrew Harper and reconnXpedition 2012 By Andrew Harper, ASC Adventurer:Now that I have nearly completed my journey across the desert, I am in a position to...